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A Laugh out Loud moment or maybe not (Chidren's Book)

PBR Charming Cappuccino
It was almost a laugh-out-loud moment, but then it wasn’t……….
As we watched our not-so-attentive alpaca mom kick her unrecognizable baby aside, the clock ticked ahead. “Cappuccino” had changed color, in grand Harlequin style, from fawn to charcoal grey when we sheared her for the first time. She was merely three and a half months o

It was almost a laugh-out-loud moment, but then it wasn’t……….
The clock ticked ahead as we watched our not-so-attentive alpaca mom kick her unrecognizable baby aside. “Cappuccino” had changed color, in grand Harlequin style, from fawn to charcoal grey when we sheared her for the first time. She was merely three and a half months old and needed mom for two and half months, but Charm couldn’t care less, and poor Cappuccino didn’t understand why.
With a sore hip, I sat in front of the computer like a quarterback in an armchair, dictating commands to my unsuspecting husband. “Pen mom and baby together!” He did, but no, that didn’t work. Kick, kick, kick. “Give baby goats milk!” I watched as Cappuccino’s tongue went to work. I could see it pushing the nipple out the side, out the front, the milk running down her chin; she took on the role of a bucking bronco. There was no way this baby would take this foreign substance into her stomach. I saw my husband toss the bottle against the wall.
“Bring in another nursing mom and baby. Maybe Charm will get the hint.” Smores, our lackadaisical stoner, casually strutted into the pen for four with her baby following as my husband ushered her in. Smore’s baby went right to the milk bar. Charm couldn’t give a damn as Cappuccino slept in the corner.
Okay, now I’m feeling desperate. My husband, for lack of other words, is annoyed. “Collect some of the mom’s pee and throw it on the baby!” My husband looked directly into the camera and mumbled, “Are you crazy?” He grabbed a red solo cup and scooped some of Charm’s pee into the cup. With a grunt, he glanced over and eyed Cappuccino, so he tossed the pee in that direction. It hit Smores! He looked into the camera with a slight grin. “Is Smores going to nurse Charm now?” His eyes were a bit sinister.
“Forget it. I’ll figure it out tomorrow. Make sure that there are pellets and hay for babies and moms.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off the cameras for the next two hours and saw the most beautiful thing. Cappuccino cautiously approached Charm and ever so slowly moved in. No sudden movements and smooth. She got close enough that she could lower her head without Charm noticing. She moved in and sneaked a taste. “Hey, Mom didn’t kick me! Maybe I’ll do that again.”She moved in again like a thief at night and, this time, nursed a little longer. Charm looked back and took a whiff of her little girl's behind. I watched her eyes smile as her baby had dinner that night